The presentations made at seminar are available here.
Title (with link to Presentation) | Resource Person(s) |
“Read and Publish” and Other Open Access Trends: Observations and Insights | Dr. Ananda Byrappa, Head, Office of Data & Librarian, IISc Library, IISc, Bangalore |
Off-campus Access Technologies to Library Resources | Dr. Shivaram BS, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore. |
SERU – Shared E-Resource Understanding | Dr. Rajendra Babu H, Assistant Professor Tumkur University, Tumakuru |
Folio: Open Source Library Platform | Dr. Francis Jayakath, Scientific Officer, IISc Library Bangalore |
Creating strategic roadmap, prototyping, creating a minimum viable product | Mrs. Lakshmi VK, Digital Portfolio Advisor, Shell India |
Summary of the 16th Dr. TB Rajashekar Memorial Seminar
The 16th Dr. TB Rajashekar Memorial Seminar (2020): Emerging Trends and Technologies for Information Services was held of December 05, 2020 at 10.30 am on Microsoft Teams platform.
Mr. Madhuresh Singhal started the event with an introduction to the life and works of Dr. TB Rajashekar and gave brief history of the NCSI-NET Foundation.
The first talk was on the topic “Read and Publish” and Other Open Access Trends: Observations and Insights by Dr. Ananda Byrappa, Head, Office of Data & Librarian, IISc Library, IISc, Bangalore
Dr Anand gave an insight into the growth of Open Access (OA) worldwide, in India and in IISc using data of past years. Looking at the monetary aspect of it too the essential question he asked was ‘Who was gaining because of the OA movement? Is it Authors, Institutions or Publishers?’ He gave insight into the upcoming services like ‘Read and Publish’, again drawing attention to the fact that we need to be careful while we deal with new publishing models
The Second talk was on Off-campus Access Technologies to Library Resources by Dr. Shivaram BS, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore.
Dr Shivaram covered the four different modes of providing access i.e. Remote Desktop Tools, VPN, Proxy Servers and Federations Tools listing the pros and cons of each one.
The third talk of the morning was on SERU – Shared E-Resource Understanding by Dr. Rajendra Babu H, Assistant Professor Tumkur University, Tumakuru.
Dr. Rajendra Babu spoke about the history and development of SERU and how it can be leveraged to give faster access to e-resources to library patrons be reducing the amount of legal detailing and paperwork involved in providing access to e-resources.
The fourth talk was Creating strategic roadmap, prototyping, creating a minimum viable product – By Mrs. Lakshmi VK, Digital Portfolio Advisor, Shell India.
Ms Lakshmi’s talk was about tools to implement an idea in an organization. She outlined tools like Elevator Pitch and Pitch Deck to garner support from the different stakeholders in your organization. She also outlined a roadmap to build a MVP or a Minimum Viable Product before going into full-fledged production of a new concept implementation.
The last talk was on Folio: Open Source Library Platform by Dr. Francis Jayakath, Scientific Officer, IISc Library Bangalore
Dr Francis outlined how we are moving from an ILS (Integrated Library System) to an LSP (Library Services Platform). Giving insights into the features of LSPs that are particularly useful while handling digital resources, he gave the features of LSPs and specifically focused on FOLIO.
Mr. Roby Geverghese gave a brief demo on FOLIO platform, focusing on some of it’s main features.